• What to Do with Leaky Plumbing Fixtures

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    The San Diego Plumbing Professionals Association shares tips on how to deal with leaky pipes. (Photo Credits)

    Leaky pipes are one of those plumbing concerns that ca just be unavoidable. The San Diego Plumber and HVAC Association (SDPHA) says at some point in a person’s home ownership, leaks are bound to happen. Whether the leak be in one of the toilets, or in a pipe, or a faucet, it is a common plumbing concern that usually is easily resolved by a professional.


    So why do leaks occur?


    1. Clogs in the piping or drain system. When foreign objects end up in a home’s plumbing system and prevents water from freely flowing, leaks can take place.

    2. Natural shifts in the home foundation and subsequent degradation. This is something that is beyond the control of the property owner. The terrain where a home foundation stands can degrade over time, and the shift in the ground can also mean a movement in a home’s plumbing system. When this happens leaks and cracks can occur and eventually cause leaking. The leaks though do not usually occur in pipes that are visible such as those that are under the sink or the toilet. It can happen on pipes that run behind walls or the flooring. So when warping occurs it could be indicative of a leak behind walls.

    3. Increase in water pressure. The SDPHA explains that sudden increases in the water pressure (which may usually be beyond the control of the homeowner), can cause leaks or worst bursting pipes. Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association

    4. Frozen plumbing systems. Freezing pipes may cause leakage or even water damage due to bursting. Winterizing the plumbing system is crucial to avoid such an occurrence.

    5. Corroded pipes and plumbing fixtures. Corrosion can occur and when this take place, leaks will not be far off. Usually it can be attributed to string chemicals used to clean a clogged drain, or a failed self-troubleshooting attempt. It could also be a problem that occurs over time because of the quality of the water in the location of the home.


    The SDPHA says, to avert leaks homeowners should not forego annual plumbing maintenance inspections that can catch possible issues before they escalate into major ones. Install shut off valves to avoid the inconvenience of having a fully shut water system when one area of the piping is being repaired or isolated due to leaks. Preparing pipes and fixtures for the snow season is equally important.


    The SDPHA also says plumbing fixtures should also not be used as hangers for anything as these can put pressure on the piping. Same goes with exposed pipes and fixtures in cabinets. The SDPHA says those should never be crowded out with the pipes touching whatever objects stuffed in the same cabinet. Apart from jostling the fixtures which can cause movements and leaks, it can also prevent homeowners from discovering pooling water due to possible leakage.


    Ace Contractors Plumbing, Heating, And Air
    650 Columbia Street San Diego CA 92101
    (858) 480-6618
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