Coronavirus... #Predictions?

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These days when Coronavirus Pandemic strikes harder we ask ourselves what to expect from the times we have had to live on. Tough times, no doubt at all. This time is a hard timeframe for all mankind no exception at all. But we all know that mankind have passed many many BIG problems to get where it is right now: Ancient Pandemics, two World Wars, risk of Atomic War....

All over the time there has been always people predicting what's gonna happen in a near (and in a distant) future. Facts like World Wars and the birth or death of an important person have been the prefered facts for “predictors” to predict about. Pandemics are not the exception. Many reputed seers from the past have predicted about the beginnings of different pandemics and the chaos associated to the spread of some disease.

So, given the actual Coronavirus pandemic the world is having nowadays we could ask ourselves:

**...does someone predicted the arrival and disastrous effects of the Covid19 disease?

**...what are some people predicting for the future of mankind regarding the Coronavirus pandemic?

**...are those predictions reliable?

The present article try to give some answers to those questions :)

People from the PAST.

The most notorious seer of all times is, no doubt at all, Michel de Nostredame (latinised as Nostradamus). According to Wikipedia he was:

”... a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events.

Fig 1. *Michel de Nostredame – “*Nostradamus*” – (*

Almost every human being knows who was Nostradamus and there is no event that had happened, happening now or about to happen that has not being directly linked to one of his now famous prophecies. He lived in a time where plagues were a common thing in daily lifes, in fact he treat one outbreak of the bubonic plague in the province of Provence, France, back in 1500´s with a cure rate quite impressive by that time. That´s why it is no any surprise for any of us to find in his prophecies some direct event linked to the appearance of some diseases or pandemics in the future.

Some media and researchers (and “professional prophecies hunter even *:)* “) have linked some old Nostradamus prophecies to the actual appearance of Coronavirus outbreak....let´s see some of them!!!

Nostradamus penned his supposed visions of the future in four-lined poems known as quatrains and all the prophecies were published in 1555 in the book “Les Propheties”.

** In Quatrain 63, Nostradamus wrote:

“From the vain enterprise honour and undue complaint,

“Boats tossed about among the Latins, cold, hunger, waves,

“Not far from the Tiber the land stained with blood,

“And diverse plagues will be upon mankind.”

Some people have intrepreted this as a warning to Italy about the coronavirus outbreak being “the Tiber” a river that runs through Rome and “Latins” a clear indicative to the Latin people who have their origins in the region of italic peninsula.

** In Quatrain 53, he warns:

“The great plague of the maritime city.

"Will not cease until there be avenged the death,

"Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime.”

Some people believe this is a warning related to the epicenter of the pandemic: Wuhan City. Although landlocked Wuhan is not a “maritime city,” the disease was traced to a seafood market, which some people and researchers believe is enough to prove a link.

** In Quatrain 19 he warns:

“Newcomers, place built without defence,

“Place occupied then uninhabitable:

“Meadows, houses, fields, towns to take at pleasure,

“Famine, plague, war, extensive land arable.”

Some people believe this prophecy relates to the fact that some cities look like deserted and unoccupied, almost uninhabitable due to lockdowns and the spread of the virus.

** In Quatrain 56 he said:

“One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish,

“Death on the summit of the hills struck from the sky:

“The abbot will die when he will see ruined

“Those of the wreck wishing to seize the rock.”

Some researchers think this prophecy is also related to Italy because the mention of death and hills. Ancient Rome is supposed to be founded around seven hills. Those seven hills, like the Palatine Hill and the Aventine Hill, can be observed and visited nowadays.

As you can see, dear reader, Mr. Nostradamus was plenty of prophecies about diseases and pandemics to write down and save for posterity :)

Another prophecy related to coronavirus pandemic was thrown by an ancient turkish calendar known as “12 Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi” (“12-Animals Turkic Calendar”). This calendar was created and used by Central Asian Turks as far back as 209 B.C. In the calendar, 12 different animals each represent a year: 2020 is known as the year of the rat on the calendar.

Fig 2. Ancient Turkish Calendar where each animal represents a year -this is a modern representation – (

A history researcher from eastern Turkey's Erzurum province, studied the prophecies of the calendar, used by both ancient Turks and other civilizations. He used the calendar and consulted two books: “Diwan Lughat al-Turk” (Compendium of Turkic dialects) and “Marifetname” (Book of Gnosis), a book dated back in 1737. He discovered that some predictions given by the calendar itself for the current year proved to be quite accurate: locust infestations, fires, earthquakes, and even....epidemics!!!

The calendar even foresees that many places will be damaged by rain and hail, that and looting and theft will escalate in the second half of 2020. :o

It is interesting to note that the prophecy about the 2020 pandemic depicted a coronavirus-like epidemic, called “zatülcenb” (pleuritis), which has symptoms quite similar to those that occur in patients with Covid19...and more important: it gives the cure for the disease...a plant named “udi hindi” which is also known as kusti bahri, emphasizing that one active ingredient in this plant could be an answer for the disease.

People from the PRESENT.

Regarding Coronavirus Pandemic we have not only predictions and prophecies from the past but from the present too. Many people have noticed in social media sites that some seers from our days have predicted the advent of this pandemic. From a book written in 1981 to Bill Gates predictions going through the highly recognized Baba Vanga we have tens of predictions going around on social media.

Some people say that a book titled “The Eyes of Darkness” originally published in 1981 by Dean Koontz, describe a killer virus made in China.

Fig 3. *A fragment of a page from the book “The Eyes of Darkness” where some data is given about a strange virus developed in China.(*

According to a CNN research in the original 1981 edition of this book this biological weapon was called “Gorki-400” in reference to a Russian locality. The name of the weapon was changed to “Wuhan-400” when the book was released again in 1989 and it has a 100% mortality rate wich is clearly not even close to SARS-CoV-2 mortality rate.

It is really amazing how close Mr. Koontz was on describing this disease start, but to say that Koontz saw all this coming is a bit of a stretch. A novel is a work of fiction, after all. So while Koontz may be a captivating writer, he's no psychic. :)

There is not just one book, but 3 of them that some people say they predicted some type of diseases for the current year. Apart from the current book, we have:

The Masque of the Red Death, by Edgar Allan Poe

End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World, by Sylvia Browne and Lindsay Harrison

Fig 4. *Sylvia Browne's 2008 Prediction regarding a disease like Covid19(*

Fig 5. Sylvia Browne's 2004 earlier *Prediction regarding a disease like Covid19(*

While the “predictions” given on those books proved to be not accurate after all (except for Sylvia Browne's 2004 Prediction which seems quite accurate **:o** ), the social diagnosis caused by a worldwide class virus is likely to sound a little more familiar to all of us and it is really quite impressive even the similarities in the naming convention used by Mr. Koontz between “The Eyes of Darkness” mentioned disease origins and the real Coronavirus beginning outbreak.

Many people have claimed too that some personalities of our days have made some predictions about the Coronavirus beginnings and effects: Bill Gates, Michael Osterholm, virologist and flu expert Robert G. Webster, Jeremy Konyndyk (former director of USAID's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance under the Obama administration) and even acclaimed director Steven Soderbergh and screenwriter Scott Z Burns's film “Contagion” also seemingly predicted the coronavirus pandemic all of them.

One of the less known prophecy of our days regarding Coronavirus came from the hand of the blind mystic Baba Vanga.

Fig 6. *Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova (1911-1996), popularly known as Baba Vanga, the Prophet of the Balkans or the Nostradamus of the Balkans(*

It has been reported that a woman called Neshka Stefanova Robeva, 73, heard about the Coronavirus shortly before the death of Baba Banga. It has been claimed, according to some news media sources that quote Mrs. Robeva, that Baba Vanga said to her that “the Corona Would be all over us…”. At the time, Mrs. Robeva didn’t understand what Baba Vanga had revealed. Still, now with everything going on in the world, it has become clear :), and now many people think that Baba Vanga foresaw the coronavirus outbreak. Mrs. Robeva thought by that time that Baba Vanga was referring to Russia as the dominant power in the area or maybe an alleged conquest of the Balkan area by Russia but now “everything has become more clear to me” -she said to some news channels.

Predictions for the FUTURE.

As the Pandemic gets worse everyday many people are skeptical to give some kind or predictions on what's going to happen with mankind and planet Earth in a near or distant future. As many people live with the uncertainty of day to day, they only dare to speculate future events.

Till now no seer has given a clear “future prophecy” on what's going to happen in the world regarding Coronavirus Pandemic. Some media channels like Forbes Digital dare to make some futuristic predictions like the development of more contactless interfaces and interactions, the strengthening of the existent digital infrastructure, the development of Telemedicine and an increase reliance on robots.

Governments have been developed with the help of some epidemiologists and research institutes some kind of mathematical models in a clear attemp to predict the course of the Coronavirus Pandemic and what effects will have in a short or long term over the economy and social relationships. There's an interesting article on Wired Magazine covering some calculations and forecast for the future given some mathematical analysis, but the truth is nobody really knows for sure what the future holds considering the infection ratio of this disease...mathematical models could be wrong.

Final now

Believe in predictions or not is a personal choice. Today, with the use of digital media and the reign of social apps some of those predictions are heavily manipulated and maliciously scattered in social media sites in the spirit of obtaining followers and upvotes, so we need to be very careful.

For centuries some amazing seers like Nostradamus have been amazed us with some of their prophecies for the future. True or false, accurate or not the truth is most predictions are really vague and can be interpreted in several ways and even applied in various points of a given timeline.

Predictions have always been there and the human mind is always eager for knowledge. It doesn't matter where it comes from: if it's intriguing, supernatural and futuristic, we always will pay some attention to those predictions, hoping some are true but others not :)

In times of uncertainty and misfortune, predictions will always come to occupy a prominent place in the beliefs of society...whether we like it or not. So: do you believe? **:)**

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** Ancient Pandemics: their effects on the prevailing World order

Patient Zero: the beginnig of different Pandemics.

Coronavirus Pandemic: the positive from the negatived

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